July 30, 2020
America’s Blood Centers is the national trade association for independent community blood centers. Our members are responsible for close to 60 percent of the nation’s blood supply and have been at the forefront of convalescent plasma collections in the U.S. over the past four months. To date, independent community blood centers (non-American Red Cross) have distributed more than 100,000 units of convalescent plasma to patients in need.
This unprecedented response by community blood centers demonstrates their commitment to meeting patient need in every hospital across the country. America’s Blood Centers and its members will continue to collaborate with the Administration, federal agencies, and all stakeholder partners to ensure and advance the safe collection and distribution of convalescent plasma. Independent community blood centers will continue to ramp up collection efforts from individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 in anticipation of increased patient need with a goal of nearly doubling previous collection capacity
America’s Blood Centers urges all individuals who have had a laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 and have since experienced a full recovery to contact their local blood center to determine their eligibility. It is safe and an essential act to donate blood and convalescent plasma to ensure its availability for patients in need.
It is vital that all eligible individuals continue to answer the call by remembering to please schedule an appointment to donate. Since the start of the pandemic, independent community blood centers have adjusted their operations to prioritize the safety of convalescent plasma and blood donors, recipients, and blood center employees. Measures include implementing social distancing guidelines and increased infection control protocols to secure the nation’s blood and convalescent plasma supplies.
To be eligible to donate convalescent plasma, individuals must meet all regular blood donor requirements, be completely symptom-free for at least 14 days, and have a laboratory confirmed test for COVID-19.