To meet current and future patient needs, America’s Blood Centers is working with the Administration, Congress, and industry stakeholders to promote the value of blood and strengthen and diversify our nation’s donor base.

Our nation’s blood supply is reliant upon independent, community-based blood centers across the United States (U.S.) who collect 60 percent of the blood used by patients each year.

These blood centers have remained resilient throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, weathering a series of significant challenges that have required adaptation of traditional models for collecting blood and significant investments in blood center workforce and essential supplies.

The majority of independent, community-based blood centers are currently able to meet patient needs.

However, a lack of elasticity in the blood supply means additional pressures such as weather events, mass casualties, and future waves of illness resulting in prolonged donor and worker absenteeism could result in local shortages. With only three percent of Americans donating blood each year, the need for a continuous and diverse base of individuals willing to roll-up their sleeves and give of themselves is significant.

The traditional means of collecting blood at school and business-based mobile events has been severely impacted by COVID-19. 

To meet this challenge and maximize their available workforce, blood centers are transitioning their focus to the more than 800 fixed-donation sites across the country. However, this process is hampered by significant costs and regulation necessitating action and support.

The availability of blood components for transfusion is essential to the nation’s health care system. 

Every two seconds in the U.S., someone needs blood. A wide range of patients depend on blood transfusions, including new mothers experiencing complications during delivery, patients with cancer who require blood as part of their regular treatment regimen, individuals with sickle cell disease who require ongoing blood transfusions to remain healthy, trauma victims who experience significant blood loss, patients who require surgery and need blood to ensure a healthy recovery, and many others.

In addition to collection challenges, blood centers are faced with significant workforce and supply shortages. 

While blood centers are not health care providers (as they simply collect blood from healthy donors), they compete with the rest of the health care industry for workers and supplies. Significant shortages of essential supplies such as blood collection kits, blood sample tubes, gloves, and sterilizing arm scrubs significantly impact a blood center’s ability to collect a sufficient blood supply and directly impact patient care.

seconds someone needs blood in America

Just three percent of the United States population donates blood each year.

pints of blood are used every day

About Blood Donation

Learn more about who can give blood and the process of blood donation, and get common questions answered so you know what happens before, during, and after your visit to a community blood center.

Statistics & Research

Download ABC's U.S. Blood Donation Statistics and Public Messaging Guide, a first of its kind guide is designed to provide the latest look at America’s blood supply and its donors, including social media resources.

Letters and Comments

View the latest letters and comments from ABC as we work to advance our advocacy agenda, strengthen the blood supply, and support the important role of community blood centers across the nation. 

The 2024 ABC Advocacy Agenda promotes the value of blood to patients, communities, and the healthcare system.

2024 Advocacy Agenda

Promoting the value of blood to patients, communities, and the healthcare system.

America’s Blood Centers and our members are committed to addressing the challenges facing community blood centers that ensure a safe and available blood supply is always available to meet patient needs.

Through our Advocacy Agenda, America’s Blood Centers urges the Administration, Congress, and industry stakeholders to promote the value of blood to patients, communities, and the healthcare system.